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Administrative Offices

Management Organizations

The Scientific Research and Postgraduates Office
【日期:2023-02-03】     【关闭】 【打印

The Scientific Research and Postgraduates Office is mainly in charge of the management of medical sci-tech projects, achievements, platforms, the application and construction of provincial sci-tech talent plans and innovative teams as well as conducting academic activities and foreign sci-tech exchanges. It also plays its role in the declaration and assessment of degree authorization sites, the planning and deployment of postgraduate enrollment, the cultivation of postgraduates, and the evaluation of postgraduate degrees as well as holding meetings between the supply and demand parties for medical graduates. It has two sections including Scientific Research Section and Postgraduates Section, with six staff members.






The Scientific Research and Postgraduates Office


YE Yangzhen


Room 416

The Scientific Research Section


SHI Ping


Room 412

The Postgraduates Section


CHEN Genfa


Room 201

The Postgraduates Section


LIU Yunying


Room 201

The 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center


LIU Huan


Room 201

I. Responsibilities of Scientific Research Section

1.Assisting to formulate medium-and long-term sci-tech development planning of the college and responsible for formulating the scientific research management rules and regulations of the college according to the status quo of sci-tech development of the university and the college.

2.Being responsible for the management of science and technology projects at all levels, ranging from application organizations, contract signing, and plan implementations to acceptance of sci-tech projects conclusions, and playing its role to supervise the rational and compliant use of scientific research funds according to law.

3.Being responsible for the management of sci-tech achievements. Organizing the review and evaluation, confidentiality review, transfer and transformation, award application and recognition of on-campus scientific research awards of various scientific and technological achievements at all levels, and assisting in the patent application, funding, and rewarding.

4.Being responsible for the management of scientific research platforms, organizing the construction application, assessment and acceptance, safety inspection and management services of provincial level and above scientific research platforms and scientific research institutions on campus, and specifically responsible for the management of the Laboratory of 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center and Animal Circulation House of South Campus.

5. Being responsible for the application of the provincial academic and technical leader training program, the application, construction and evaluation of the provincial superior scientific and technological innovation team, the organization and implementation of the scientific research training fund plan for young teachers of the college and the recruitment of full-time postdoctoral researchers, etc., and assisting in attracting talents.

6.Being responsible for academic activities and foreign sci-tech exchanges, organizing and carrying out various forms of academic activities, foreign sci-tech exchanges, and sci-tech cooperation at home and abroad, implementing Funds Support Measures for Academic Activities of Jiangxi Medical College (provisional) and strongly supporting academic activities.

7.Being responsible for the construction of scientific research integrity and post-doctoral research mobile station of clinical medicine; being responsible for the statistics of annual reports of science and technology projects, the review of scientific research work, the distribution of scientific research project performance, etc.; assisting in the construction of "double first-class" of medical disciplines and the co-construction projects of ministry and province.

8.Being responsible for the assessment of the annual scientific research and social service objectives of the college; organizing and carrying out activities of providing social services, scientific and technological consulting services.

9.Being responsible for the relevant work assigned by the provincial medical association and the provincial association for science and technology; organizing the recommendation of candidates for posts in relevant societies and professional committees, various science and technology review experts or expert database members.

10.Being responsible for the management of sci-tech archives; making sure the access to, borrowing, keeping confidential, collecting, sorting, preserving and submitting of the mentioned-archives be carried out according to regulations.

11.Fulfilling other related tasks assigned by leaders.

II. Responsibilities of Postgraduates Section

i.Enrollment Management

1.Being responsible for formulating the education development plan for doctoral and postgraduate students.

2.Being responsible for summarizing and compiling the enrollment plan of doctoral and postgraduate students of the College, and discussing with the graduate school over the enrollment plan for postgraduate students of all medical training units (including students exempted from examinations).

3.Being responsible for the compilation of admission brochures of doctoral and master students of the College.

4.Being responsible for coordinating and supervising the whole process of postgraduate enrollment ranging from examination paper proposition, marking, and re-examination to proposed admission.

5.Being responsible for postgraduate enrollment publicity and information consultation of the College.

6.Being responsible for updating the enrollment-related information on the website of the College.

ii.Training Management

1.Being responsible for the organization and coordination of the formulating and revision of postgraduate training-programs and curriculum syllabus of the college.

2.Being responsible for the arrangement of the public curriculum for graduate students of the college, the issuance of teaching tasks for medical graduate students, and the coordination of the scheduling of elective courses.

3.Being responsible for coordinating the use and deployment of classrooms in the postgraduate teaching building.

4.Assisting in the organization of CET Band 4 and Band 6.

5.Being responsible for the examination of postgraduate public courses of the college.

6.Being responsible for mutual selection between teachers and postgraduate students, training plan formulation, dissertation opening report, mid-term assessment, etc.

7.Being responsible for the issuance of training materials such as postgraduate training manual and experiment register.

8.Being responsible for the audit of postgraduate teaching workload in the college.

9.Being responsible for the statistics of the basic postgraduate teaching status data of the college.

iii. Degree Work

1.Being responsible for formulating various rules and regulations concerning the degree management of the college.

2.Coordinating the application and evaluation of the degree authorization sites of the college.

3.Organizing the selection and assessment of graduate supervisors of the college.

4.Being responsible for the daily affairs of the degree evaluation sub-committee of the college.

5.Being responsible for the recommendation of provincial excellent doctoral and master dissertations.

6.Being responsible for the image information collection of postgraduate students of the college.

iv.Professional Degree Work

1.Organizing the enrollment publicity, registration, proposition, preliminary examination, and admission of doctoral and master students with equivalent academic level.

2.Organizing the application for the national unified examination of masters degree for students with equivalent academic levels.

3.Organizing the national unified foreign language examination for medical doctors.

4.Being responsible for teaching arrangement, school status management, selection between teachers and students, dissertation opening report, mid-term inspection, etc.

5.Being responsible for the distribution of teaching remuneration for doctoral and master students with equivalent academic levels.